met many new nice friendly funny people through this camp(:whoohoo.
although we had little sleep like only 1hour for the first night and 5hours for the 2nd was extremely fun and the camp was fully packed with activities till there wasnt enough time for us to eat and
day one
met up with melinda candy and mei yi and headed to sp for business camp(: then we got separated into different groups after registering at the foyer ): okay.there are two big cluster known as MAFFEES(bad) AND MATAS(good). so i was allocated into this cluster known as the MAFFEES (the gangster grp which consists of hijackers rapists murderers fraudster etc) and i belongs to THE RAPISTS!!! hahah. so we were all sent into our bunks to gather tgt in own small grp and played some bonding games. then learn cluster cheers, gala night cluster songs, create own rapists cheers, prepare a funny skit for gala night on people getting then we went to play games as a grp to collect equipments and to create our own rapists flag(:
night one
watched one missed call at midnight tgt with biscuits for supper.then seniors came to tell us some ghost stories and scary experiences they encountered in sp and some girls started then followed by horror night walk at 2.30am. THIS WAS THE BEST PROGAMME FOR THE WHOLE CAMP! we are only allowed to walk in grps of four with no one leading us and we have to follow the lightsticks on the floor and find our way to the finishing line and the walk is about an hour i was grp with vivien mei ling and ken.while walking we bump into ghosts vampires etc which scare us along the way. it was damn scary. half way through the walk, we started crying a little screaming and pulling ken's tee shirt .hahah! it was KEN was a brave guy.. he lead us and push away those ghosts for us.haha. after that we headed to our bunks to rest.
day two
after one hour of sleep, we had a day of activities lined up for us. interactions in our grp, RAPISTS, bonding games ard the school, cluster cheers compeition etc. followed by amazing race in the SP.hahah.WE GOT LOST IN THE SCHOOL and didnt manage to complete all 16 games stations ): by then it was 3.30pm and we all went to bath and get rdy for GALA NIGHT IN THE AUDI where we had to perform our skit for the principal and VIPS. then we were given our own time to rehearse our skit etc.
night two
GALA NIGHT in the audi and we were the 2nd grp to perform on stage for all. OMG! IT WAS A SUCCESS!! everyone was laughing and cheering for our funny performances and our 2facils were very proud of then halfway through the performances, we had a break and it was dinner time. we had buffet (: and we sat in our grp, we ate, we cheer and we took several grp photos! then we continued with performances in the audi and after which, we learned MASS DANCE and have cluster cheers compeitions. then it was disco night. afterthat, back to our bunks to sleep.
day three
after four hours of sleep, we gather tgt as a big grp and cheer and cheer and sing and MASS DANCE AGAIN. then we played some games and receive our camp shirt. then we had reflections, photo taking sessions as a whole, in cluster, in grps, in our respective courses, etc. PRIZE PRESENTATION.MAFFEES WON!!!then we break camp with facils throwin water bombs at us and using hose to spray water at THE END!
two facils: IDY AND JIN WEI